Positivity never looked so good
I have realized a lot of things the past couple of months and I thought I would share it with you. Not everything is going to go the way that you want it to go, and it is going to make you so mad that you become negative. Negativity really can take a toll over people and their emotions. What I am working on is to always try and find the positives in your day, not matter what it is! When one door shuts another one opens. And I can prove that the quote I just said really is true. Things have been on the tough side lately, but as soon as I thought that their was no hope I received an email from the school newspaper that they want me to write a fashion column for them. I am so excited to be writing for a paper and people can see what I can do! It brought so much positive into my day that I forgot about the negatives.
Friendships should always be a positive and a blessing in your life. If you don't have a friend to kick your butt when you're throwing a pity party for yourself, then you need to go out and find yourself a new one. Because friends who keep you in check are keepers. When I need someone to vent too, they are there, when I need to cry, they are there and when I am so angry, they are there. I'm so blessed to have friends like that, who can flip that switch and make you want to do better and think more positive and want to laugh more! Yes, this has NOTHING to do with fashion, but it's a Fashion 101 lesson; Negativity does not look good on anyone. Being positive when life isn't going your way is the perfect way to live your life, having a frown all the time will only give you wrinkles, and that means going out and buying the expensive wrinkle cream..... no one wants that.
And then my family, FULL of positivity and have been nothing but a support system. They also make me want to be a more positive person.
And then there is my team. Some amazing girls who go through tough times as well and still remain positive. Every girl is a support system and will make you smile when you need it the most.
Friendships should always be a positive and a blessing in your life. If you don't have a friend to kick your butt when you're throwing a pity party for yourself, then you need to go out and find yourself a new one. Because friends who keep you in check are keepers. When I need someone to vent too, they are there, when I need to cry, they are there and when I am so angry, they are there. I'm so blessed to have friends like that, who can flip that switch and make you want to do better and think more positive and want to laugh more! Yes, this has NOTHING to do with fashion, but it's a Fashion 101 lesson; Negativity does not look good on anyone. Being positive when life isn't going your way is the perfect way to live your life, having a frown all the time will only give you wrinkles, and that means going out and buying the expensive wrinkle cream..... no one wants that.
These girls right here are the friends who are full of positivity and are a light to me. They make me want to become a more positive person and make me laugh no matter what.

So, lesson of the day, or should I say "Fashion Lesson" of the day..... Positivity is the perfect outfit to wear, if you have lost it, keep looking in that closet of yours.
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