Bad Hair Day

Do you ever just have those days where you just don't want to to ANYTHING to your hair, or you wake up and your hair isn't working for you?

I sound like an ad commercial right now... but really, there are times where it's too hot or i'm just super lazy and don't feel like doing anything to my hair.

So I went to the lake 4th of July weekend and came across this little boutique called W Haus. The store is super cute and have home decor and more! I came across this hat that I just had to have!

These hats come in all different colors and it is only $12! I love baseball capes especially if there are words or logos on them! It being so hot outside hats are coming in handy for me, as well as coming in handy for my bad hair days like today. 

Here is a link to there website with more great items! 


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