City of lights
Today was a good day, very long day but good day! I'm a little tired because last night my friends and I went to the Effile Tower and we didn't get back till late because the sun doesn't go town till like 9:30 here and we wanted to see the lights. But let me tell you, it is no joke when people tell you how crowded it is and the amount of times you run into people. But to be honest it was all worth it in the end. Walking up to the tower made the little hairs on my arms stand tall. It was so beautiful! It is so much better than what you see on a post card. And when it gets completely dark they turn on the twinkle lights and it's like magic. This isn't the last time that I'm going to visit here so don't worry I'll have more pictures! But next time I'm going to go all the way up to the top! 

I was very proud of myself today because I have finally figured out the metro station schedule! Trust me, that is a huge accomplishment. But I had my fashion class today and it was very interesting and everyday we will be going to a museum and learning about the history of fashion. Safe to say that it will be a fun class :) and I ended my night with my roommate and I sitting on the canalwith French chocolate and rosè wine, it was perfect! I'm excited about everything and I'm happy that I'm getting comfortable with the city, I'm going to try to do everything that I can to explore because I know these next 5 weeks will go by so fast! I can't wait to tell you guys more about my trip!
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