Summer Hair Accessories

Happy Hump Daaaaayyyyy!

I know Its has been awhile since I have posted. A lot is going on in my life right now, and it is kind of crazy! I am getting a new apartment and going through the moving process and trying to figure out how to decorate is a  lot more work than I thought that it would be. But, as Gloria Gaynor says, "I will survive" 

Do you ever have those days where you wake up and automatically think, "Nope, not today". Well, I had one of those mornings with my hair. I was in no mood to really fix it up. And for the record.. my hair was a little dirty... So I found this bandana in my moms closet and decided to try and make something work. It honestly turned out better than I thought it would be! All I did was fold it and tie it at the top and tucked in the corners to make it look like a knot. 

It all worked out in the end because I found a green cardigan from Old Navy and a floral white blouse from Francescas for $34! This is a perfect casual work look, and it is super comfy. Bandanas and scarfs in the hair are very popular right now, and I love it! It's a perfect throwback look, and it adds something to your style. I will link different places you can shop for the hair accessories! 

I hope you guys have a great Wednesday! One day closer to Friday! :)

Here is a link to shop hair accessories!

XOXO Miss Bargainer 


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