Happy Friday
Happy Friday everyone! I don't know about you, but I am so ready for this weekend! It has been a long cold week full of rain and... well just straight up cold. There are a few things to look forward too next week which is Valentines Day and also the showing of the movie Fifty Shades Of Grey! I know I will be sitting in that theater with a box of Vday chocolates that I bought for myself and watch the movie that every girl is dying to see. But, if you have plans to go on a date with your boyfriends then I have some cute outfits for you to look at that are at a very affordable price!
This long sleeve short red dress is only $17! This is such a classy look that would be perfect for your special date :)

If you want to online shop for some more great deals go to http://www.shoppinkblush.com/c-132-valentines-day-sale.aspx and they have all kinds of great deals! Happy Shopping!
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