2019 Resolutions

Happy Thursday!

Wow! I can't believe that it is already 2019, I feel like the year went by so fast. To be honest 2018 was not my favorite year, to me it was a growing up year filled with stress and insecurities. But hey, God led me in the right direction and is continuing to guide me.

 I am excited for 2019 because I get this feeling that there will be a lot of good changes happening, and I am anxious to see what this year brings! I wanted to share some of my resolutions with you, and maybe you have the same!?

I know that we all give ourselves a goal and a lot of us do not meet the resolutions, but I want to set my resolutions to a bar that I know I can achieve and feel good about it. Okay! Here we go....


1. Healthy Everything: What I mean by that is to have healthier skin, hair, body.. all of it. I have been the person to not spend money on myself that often and would turn away from more expensive products. My goal is to start taking care of my skin and hair more and get the results that I want.

That also leads to healthy body.. yes, every persons resolution is #Health. And I have always been healthy and worked out, but I want to set a goal to continue that and get to where I want to go because it is a process! Smaller portions and cooking more!

2. Happiness: Like I said, 2018 was stressful and I focused more on the stress than the good in things. So, this year I wanted Happiness to be the "theme" of 2019. I want to enjoy everyday and make the best of things. I know this will be more challenging, but that is why this is on my list.

3. Travel: I mean come on... who doesn't want to travel?!

4. Kindness: I just want to make it a goal to do 1 kind act a day. No matter what it is. I found myself at times selfish and want to be more selfless. And I honestly think we should all do that and see what a difference it makes :)

I hope that you set your resolutions for this year, and if not then use some of mine :)

Have a great day!!

XOXO Miss Bargainer 


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